SAFD: Training Academy

I took a hiatus from the wonderful world of wedding and portrait photography for about a year. “Why?,” you ask? Well I was in training academy for the San Antonio Fire Department, of course! After a 14 month application process, I was blessed to be one of the privileged few to make it through the many steps into academy in October 2009. What followed was one of the most difficult, rewarding, and physically and mentally taxing undertakings of my life. I met many awesome people and learned an insane amount of information, far beyond what I thought my mind could handle, from emergency medical skills to fire science to physical fitness and everything in between.

What follows below is a photographic synopsis of the whole process, not including my 6 month probationary period in the field at stations all across this great city of ours. This job far exceeds anything I could have ever imagined, and I am eternally grateful to God for blessing me with the career and calling tailored just for me that I knew was always there, but didn’t quite know what it was or how to get there. Without the guidance, encouragement, and love of my family, I could have never done this.